Well, I'm at work again. I keep speaking with Mr. Kwak en francais, que m'amuse bien. Life continues to be interesting.
On the Miss Baik front, Duke has offered no new news, but he has led Roy to believe that he's getting laid. I don't think that's true, but I am merely going on my impressions of Jisuk and what I know of Duke (of course, he's probably showing her a much different side of himself than I get to see).
I still haven't heard from G-cups. Perhaps I will have to call him tonight.
Meditation is continuing to progress. I believe that I'm getting better at feeling my body ~ from the inside. I am definitely becoming more aware of my posture. But my thoughts are still a veritable vortex, a mammoth maelstrom, a widening windy (if you will) gyre. The goal, as I am beginning to understand it, is not to control thought. Rather, it is to release control ~ to let thought free so that it thins and eventually dissipates to nothing.
The mind is only separate from the universe because I believe myself to be discrete.