at my consent

Dear Norm,

You exist only with my consent and
only to protect me from tyranny on terra.
A document codifying this relation
(and highly celebrated in this nation)
sets out the obligations of your post.
Some have said the Constitution
protects rights of Citizens, and
this is true too, but derivatively:
what the Constitution protects, Norm,
is your job, so long as you agents
faithfully see to your duties.

This is to inform you that lately
your work has been slipping. Until
further notice you are on probation:
Before returning to your duties
please REREAD the entire Employee
Manual and Code of Conduct and
schedule a meeting with your supervisor
(that's right: We, the People!) for
the qualifying exam, and if you pass
to reaffirm your oaths of office.

What we would like to see from you
moving forward is a greater resolve
in adhering to the letter the spirit
and the principle of those documents.
In addition, you will be required
to rectify recent egregious errors
committed with respect to several
specific articles enumerated therein.
Your continued government here is
contingent upon your satisfactory
completion of these obligations.

Anne Archer