i have two strawberry patches that more or less do their own thing.
dug up basketball-sized clumps of bulbs and corms last summer, where the narcissus, daffodils, gladiolus and calla lilies have grown, and, distributing about 2/3 to other planters, then replanted as many as everywhere as possible. so far, the daffodils came in a little weakly, particularly those planted in places not already flowerbed. but they seem to have taken, and will hopefully be stronger in future seasons.
this grew where i expected a daffodil.
i think it is a . . . a daffodonquil.
a zealous azalea.
gettin' closer.
clematis. i loved these last year, and then pulled a whole bunch out by the roots thinking they were more of that damn sea oats last fall, realizing too late my mistake, and thinking i'd killed them all until now.
honeysuckle. ho hum.
the flowers are too long and narrow for bees to be able readily to retrieve the pollen through the usual route; bees of previous seasons have eaten through the petals at the base of the flower:
there have been no bees to speak of this year.
boom: spang!
don't step in my spiderwort.