voicemail haiku

as you can no doubt tell, dear reader, i have been occupied lately with a couple new items of significant interest, which have absorbed a good deal of my attention &/or have a bit of a learning curve, with the upshot that i haven't had much time or inclination to post anything here. well, inclination, perhaps, but not for the leg work of developing a plan for said posting (and developing excuses and rationalizations for slacking on some of those partially-accomplished projects).

one of the attention absorbing items is a new portable communication device, with many advantages over my quaint old-fashioned "1.5-G" handset, foremost among which is that when i miss a call and wind up with a pending voicemail, i am informed of those facts in a prompt and reliable fashion.

which is why, in lieu of focusing sufficiently to craft a fresh post, or polish content for same, i've been thinking about voicemail haiku, some of which you may have failed to see previously because i didn't publish them into the past until just now (or, if you access through a reader, dear reader, you have probably just seen).

here's one that's pretty straightforward:
please leave your number
and identify yourself
after this brief tone.
and another
i’m in the office
now, so can’t talk but will call
back if they let me.
no reasonable
privacy expectation
in voicemail: talk clear.
completing the series, haiku-ishly:
the consumer at this ex-
tension is out discharging
his obligation to gen-
erate and distribute wealth
so leave a message.
of course, voicemail itself these days may be an archaic and unnecessary convention. nevertheless, i sure do like answering machines, the hardware and set of matched language acts alike!