suspicious activity signs

Operation TIPS
c/o Homeland Security

Dear Norm,

I drive under your Report Suspicious Activities signs

frequently, and read them each time. I had thought,

before the world changed, in the years those signs

were erected over the highways, that it was a little

bit suspicious to build those signs at all: ‘Congestion

Ahead’ not being worth it; as everybody who drives here

already knows it’s already true, the signs were thus

merely infuriating to those spending gas on the

parking lot beneath them. But now I understand that

their installation, and the cameras, sprouting on poles

of their own like metallic mushrooms, or clinging to

lamps and bridge edges like barnacles, was prescient.

A prescient precedent, set for a bellicose President.

How was I to have known the world would change

like that September morning changed it? Now, as I

sit in the traffic, the TIPS-line flashing over the lanes,

I realize that I am suspicious.

This is not to say that

I suspect I’m a sleeper, though I sure can sleep, or that

any of my own behaviors as witnessed by myself since

that day have raised any doubts in my mind about my

own loyalty to the Republic, its Constitution and its

Emperor. No, indeed. I am not suspicious of myself, in

that way (and trust those who read my e-mail to know

when I should be designated a ‘person of interest’ better

than I), but, well, I am sort of sensitive to language,

‘hyperlexic’ some call it, others, ‘infuriating literalness,’

but the effect is the same: I parse and parse, wringing

every meaning I can from the presented syntax, like

bureaucrats pun, by compulsion. So the question arises,

which the signs already beg:

What is suspicious activity?

The way it seems to be intended, suspicious activity is

anything which could be construed as an ‘Islamist,’

surveying, or moving equipment, or renting vans or buying

fertilizer or aluminum tubes, PVC pipes, sheetrock or

spongy vanilla confections, and such an ‘Islamist’ could

be anybody, but is probably darker of skin than Dan

Rather and bearded. Or are they? Aren’t they swarthy,

evildoing enemies of freedom, or do they look like

Patriot McVeigh? Of course, it does not mean adherents

of the docile and politically impotent religion of Islam, or

Sikhs, not these.

But ‘suspicious activities’ might be those

undertaken at the direction of a suspicious mind: following

those dark men with the boxes; looking askance at the

speakers of the tones of Arabic, Pashto, Farsi; watching

the minarets; lurking, even voicing incendiary ideology,

on the discussion boards. The fact that the mind harbors

suspicion, that very harboring, is such an activity.

Norm, I gotta tell ya, I’m suspicious.

Suspicious of just about everything susceptible to

interpretation. Suspicious of the text, the context,

the subtext and the author. My suspicious activities

consist in this interpretation, and reinterpretation, of

the metrical assonance of the sound-bytes, and the framing

programs, the curious repeating leitmotif of the severed head

in the news, like a fugue, ‘Islamist’ snuff films in

counterpoint to abortive decapitation strikes, the head-

shots, the pot shots, and the talking heads. By the

bankruptcy of the third estate, abdication of the first,

and the scripted, juggernaut ascendancy of the

second, all to the fanfares of the debauched and complicit

press, who keep We the People informed more like

Hamilton suggested than Jefferson’s proscription. I’ve been

suspicious all along, Norm, but I’ve kept quiet, because

I’ve been busy. Busy being scared by the suspicious

proliferation of American flag stickers and stick-pins on

impor car and Italian lapel, “love it or leave it” emblazoned

in red, white on blue Chinese tee shirts by religious prisoners

across the Pacific. I am suspicious because salaam now

indicates evil, pacific stands for surprise attack, columbine

(rhymes with combine, carbine) now a dove of death

diving under desks, and the cradle of civilization is also

the pyre on which civilization is toast, a holocaust

to a god that drinks up the souls of those who die angry

and scared, adrenalin concentrated in their brains and

veins, briefly, before it flows with the blood, a god

that speaks to us through a burning Bush, the oily scion

and high-priest of his own oily sign of vincit omnia.

Oh, I’m suspicious all right, Norm, all day, every

day, sometimes more, as the headlines roll off the

wires, the wires pull, prod, hobble and shock.

Now that I have

reported on myself, identified myself as constitutionally

suspicious, will you hire me to write propaganda

for the Reich? Keep me close like Sun Tzu’s enemy.

Thank you, sincerely, for your time and

consideration. I will await your knock at 0400, or

any other time you need your propaganda parsed.


Pére A. Gnoyde