ah vaudeville!

they used to tell me we were building a dream, that's what dictated my way
when there was tar to spread, figuratively, on the information superhighway...

they used to tell me we were all on the team, with captive revenue streaming projections,
why should i have to heat my home burning all these job application rejections?

once i coded software, made it run, bug-free line after line,
then the firm got bought out, off i spun: brother can you spare a dime?

once i built e-commerce, made it well, to securely sell all the time;
we got paid in options but the market fell: brother can you spare a dime?

once in birkenstocks, we were progressive -- thank caffeine, we coded non-stop!
our millions lost in a market recessive, like we all knew that bubble would pop.

say don't you remember, you called my helpdesk with "help-; how do i-;" all the time?
say don't you remember, i designed your network, buddy can you spare a dime?*

(alt. "say don't you remember you were able to call at all because i maintained all of your corporate communications systems - including telephony, jerk! buddy can you spare a dime?")