Dear Norm, we've known
the President's a fuckin' liar
since long before the Reichstag fire,
We've all been aware
of the President's incompetence
in self-control and elocution
since before we elected him
(i use the terms
"we" and "elected"
and advisedly),
We've held the
fundamental gnosis
of his psychosis
since he first failed
to say "Hi. My name is George
and I'm an alcoholic,"
at least, likely far longer,
We know he hates
his father, pater,
god and country,
all in one
like a ringer straight
outta Freud
(and swallow his
patriotic platitudes
like Jesus' beatitudes
and lacks the capacity
for compassion,
So might not
reasonably expect him
to honor the robes
and oaths of the post,
to be capable
of such honor,
at all, given
his failed relationship
with the truth, but
Isn't it suspicious how –
does it not defy
all probabilistic statistics that –
everybody around him
also consistently lies
in stubborn contravention
of their oaths on their God
and Constitution
in stubborn denial
of all credible construal
of all available information
when they speak, just
like him?
your, with great shame,