sudden sigma

I would wait a few weeks
(maybe there was something
about that moment) before

writing carefully from afar
that you are transcendent
that you are wonderful

delving deep into the best
superlatives to simply express
the objective truth

of this superlatively
intrasubjective energy
(in which I believe)

and thank you for your
rare grace, your restraint
and inspiration, before

exhorting you
with someone suitable
to go do it again!

But my attention to that
task alone, and through it
you, would belie that hope

showing I only want you
for myself (and not the best
for you) and marking

your ascendancy into
the composite avatar
of the Goddess.

So there's no
harm if I write it
down now.

The truth is the best
in me wants the best
for you and the rest

of me wants to defile
you as man does his deities
and keep praying.