the intelligence

Dear Norm

I am suspicious of intelligence.
of notions of intelligence.
all of them.

I told a girlfriend of
my suspicions of intelligence.

she said I had the benefit
of high intelligence

could not be trusted to speak;
got mad I laughed
at that.

I also asked a professor of philosophy
who told me not to be smart
with him.

Now I tell you, Norm, intelligence,
be it psychosomatokinaesthetic

data thereby derived about things in the world
or comparative facility manipulating
some subset of same,

intelligence is bullshit and
tyranny of the self-ordained

Cut it any way you like or don't
cut it at all intelligence is not merely

as it is boiled, broiled, baked, steamed, seared
and sautéed all day
to taste

it has been in the dictator's cookbook
since before the first press.
it is the rule of secrets.

our only intelligence failure is
collectively using that word
like it signifies something.

- Telly