
Got a letter from, and then spoke on the phone with, G-Cups last night. He's going to come visit me ~ maybe as early as next week! He should call tonight and let me know.

Other news ~ today I spent most of the day again with Sunja. I think we are becoming friends, which is good. We talked a little bit about nihilism. I think that hanging out and talking with her will be good for helping / teaching me o refine my understanding of the philosophy. So far I am still well behind Nietzsche ~ but he is my teacher.

Sunja said that Nihilism is sad. I think it is not sad. In fact it can only be sad if viewed from a non-nihilistic perspective. For once you view it nihilistically it can be neither happy nor sad ~ for there is nothing to be judged and nothing relative o which to judge it. Rather, nihilism, is liberating. If there is no purpose; if everything is without meaning, then we are freed.

From what? We are freed from happy, sad, good bad,... everything. No value can remain; no meaning, no morality, nothing. With that freedom from traditional authorities, comes an overwhelming empowerment: I am the only person that can assign meaning. I am the only authority. And, as such, I bear the power and the responsibility for all existence. This is not sad. With every burst of laughter, being is revealed, according to my will. From nothing comes I. From I comes all.

So far this is still very vague. I understand it all theoretically but I have not yet experienced it. But I shall. Since today I have felt strong, fertile, and jubilant. The seeds of my post nihilistic philosophy may grow (I plan) into further literary ~ and perhaps musical ~ efforts.