
It is a strange occurrence that I should write on two consecutive days, but:

Nothing of note has happened. But I guess I'd like to vent about Duke just a little.

I'm not clear as to whether I'm gaining some insight into his character or my small insight into his character is influencing my judgments of his actions. Probably both.

He's trying - I think - to piss me off. He spends much time out in the evenings, presumably - and sometimes reportedly - with Miss Baik. I'm just a little bit jealous of that - which I'm sure he knows. I'm starting to think of him as that type of person who does not directly engage and confront, but rather who finds a weakness and works subtly to exploit it.

To illustrate ~ he consistently talks in vague and lewd language about his meetings with Miss Baik. He'll say, "Jisuk was weird tonight," and wait for someone to react. If someone asks, he'll smile and say no more, or will say that he can't say.

Otherwise he'll just waltz in and flaunt the fact that he's been present with her, and say nothing. He has repeatedly asked myself and Link (always in my presence) to say nothing about his "midnight encounters," despite the fact that we, all three, agreed to say nothing when Jisuk asked us to keep mum about our fraternization. He's the only one to have broken that promise.

Ok. Good venting. The end.