
Well, yesterday did have some interesting points. I worked; though it made me tired it, overall, went well.

At the end of work I ran into Mr. Im, who had come to Olympiad to give Big Macs to one of the third grads classes. He gave me one and it was really delicious ~ it has been a long time since I had any McDonalds. I ate it, then he gave me a ride home.

At home, Link wanted to watch the learning Korean videos, but Duke asked him not to so he could sleep. This is when I arrived. I had to go out to buy smokes and Link joined me so he could vent.

We sat on the front steps smoking. Then a man came up to us. His English is slightly better than our Korean, but it isn't too good. He invited us for Soju at the Soju-bang a couple of doors from our house. We went and got to know him a bit. We all communicated relatively well given our language difficulties. After soju we all (Link, myself, he, and his wife) went to a norre-bang to sing. I got a 98 on "My Way," thanks, no doubt, to the divine intervention of Frank, himself.

His name is Kim Daewon. He and I drank two beers each at the norre-bang, and by the time we all walked home, he was pretty plastered (I was by no stretch of the imagination sober, but I probably would have driven were this not Korea). It was only once he was drunk that Link and I did not feel absolutely safe. Oh well. Link and I pay (although I it perhaps smarter for one of us to pay - at least overtly - and the other pay another time).

Today, all of us were awake at ten am. Today the tension between Link and Duke seems to be heating up a bit. I don't care too much. Link compared me to Switzerland (but they don't have the bomb. I do.). I just don't like to deal with alliance bids. Oh well. More later.