settling in

Dear Mom & Dad –

Hi. I’ve received two letters from you. The font on the second one is fine – you might even use less margin should space become a problem. I don’t think I’ve written you since the third American moved in. Well, it is now myself, Link, and Duke. For a while it was okay, but they don’t like each other, and their amity continues to decrease. Anyway, I’ve safely pitched the Swiss flag and so far, while listening often to the gripes of either side, have not been drawn into conflict. Oh well.

I am working. I teach eighteen classes a week. Four of these are sixth-grade (and only one hour long). The rest are middle school: 1-1/2 hours. The total is, I think, 25 hours a week, mostly in the evenings. Ain’t too bad. I get pretty frustrated with teaching: I don’t think that there is a good text book for English (Conversation) as a Second Language anywhere in the world. The book I am currently using is very poor – and, look as I might, I cannot find anything significantly better. Also, these kids have been trained to read English. They do that very well. But they also do it to the detriment of their conversational ability. If they cannot see the printed words that they are supposed to say, they generally will not try to speak. I’m trying to wean them from the written word, but it’s like leading a donkey to water (make that mule, as in “stubborn as a –“). Oh well. These are just my first few weeks’ complaints and observations. On the bright side, a lot of my students can say words with “f’s” and “v’s” in them (which most Koreans cannot).

Home life is kind of slow. I finished by Aleister Crowley book (send me more by him – e.g., The Book of the Law, The Book of Thoth, or The Book of Lies) and am now gnawing at Nietzsche. I still haven’t bought a stereo, but I need desperately to, for headphones and batteries just don’t cut it. That is one of my goals for this weekend. (Which, I guess, brings up the issue of money . . .) I have been reimbursed for the plane ticket. I have also received my first month’s pay. I have not, however, opened a bnk account yet. First, my payment is not in my possession – it and my first Alien Registration Card (which says I work at Nam Inch’on) are required for a valid Alien Registration Card (which will be made valid by virtue of saying where I actually work). I’m not sure why it is so complicated, but I am at last getting used to bureaucratic overkill, if not enjoying it. Anyway, when I have these documents, then I can open an account. Next, I’m not sure what kind of account to open, but there are a few details. I have been told that bank accounts make 13% interest. (yes, I said 13%). I don’t know that that’s entirely true, but if it is, then it will pay to keep money in the bank. Also (I know all these useful technicalities because Link went to business school and studied a lot of international economics), the exchange rate for ₩ --> $ is not favorable now. Link believes that if we sit on (figuratively) our money, we will be able to profit from a better exchange rate. Finally, were all of these extenuating circumstances actually intenuating (or, for that matter, not “tenuating” at all), I could not wire you your money, for the simple reason that I require some information from you. I need our bank’s “ABA# for wire transfer,” my account #, and (I think) a phone/wire # for the bank (if that is different from the ABA#). Please include this information (as well as whether you think 13% interest would be a good way to make your ₩560,000 grow) in your next letter.

We have met three Americans (2 women and one man) who teach English for another company. They have been here two months longer than we, but do not seem significantly more advances in the language. I think, it there attitudes re adequate indication, that their experience here has not been as comfortable as our, thus far, has. They give us many warnings which, like tequila, we take with salt and follow with lemon (to make less sour). We’ve made some Korean friends, too. Kim Heong-Song and his sister Hyun-ah are two. He’s in medical school and she’s a pharmacist. They have loaned us a chonggi (like chess, sort of) board, and me a guitar, which I play a lot. Other than all that, it’s life as usual here. I’m no less happy than I have ever been elsewhere (tho’ I miss my friends and my cat). So far you and [Redacted] are the only people who have written me. I have not yet reaped all that I have sown (it actually seems that fewer than 1/3 of my seed has landed on fertile ground), but I’ll continue to sow ne’ertheless – which reminds me . . . I wrote a sonnet yesterday (my first poem in aeons), I’ll try to remember to include/enclose a copy). Til next time, love, care-ful wishes, etc. Your dear young son (YDYS),


PS. Dad: In order to find out of the “Ernie comment” was a compliment, watch Sesame Street and decide for yourself. (I think it’s probably better than Bert).

[link to sonnet]

PPS. I have not yet been told the terms of my health insurance. It is among my priorities. Let you know when I know.