
No writing yesterday. The electricity is still off. And I still haven't been paid. Yesterday I had four classes. Today again I have four.

Yesterday, while speaking with Mrs. Han, she asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told her (as is my usual reply) that I have many friends who are girls, but that I do not have a lover.

She said, "Me too."

I had, up until this point, thought that she was married. I said so.

She said that she was married but her husband died two years ago. This is a secret. Almost nobody knows. When I asked why nobody knows she began to cry, apologized, and said "see you later."

I took the hint, apologized for upsetting her and split.

Later she told me that it is a secret because that is Korean custom.

Weird. Anyway. I taught my classes and went home. Duke and I watched another Jackie Chan film, "Police Story" and then went to bed.

This morning (the power's still off) we went out and met three Americans for coffee. I don't remember their names. . . A middle-aged woman named Helen (I think) a twenty-four year old woman named Bea, and an ageless man named Tony. They were pretty cool I guess. Actually I don't have much opinion yet (as we've only just met).

I've had three classes so far, and only one to go. We just had our weekly teachers' meal (So Leong Tang). It was pretty delicious. The storm (typhoon Janice) is supposed to hit Inch'on at 8:00. There are now many clouds and relatively high winds. Exciting. Maybe more later.