who despaired of finding remedy in court.
well, five Michigan plaintiffs last week
filed for declaratory and injunctive relief.
fixing the whole constitution,
trying to catch an out-boud flight yeah.
pulling up a congressman's pants!
specifically, the plaintiffs request a declaratory judgment that the "policies, practices and customs" of the defendant agencies' and offices' coordinated watch list programs "violate the Fifth Amendment" and the Administrative Procedure Act, and an injunction requiring the defendant agencies and offices "to remedy the constitutional and statutory defects identified," remove plaintiffs from any list impeding free travel, and implement a legal mechanism for notice and opportunity for watchlisted individuals to contest. also attorney fees, costs, litigation expenses and such further "just and proper" relief as the court may be pleased to dispense.
which agencies and offices, you ask; why, the Attorney General of the United States, the Commissioner of CBP, the Administrator of TSA, and the Directors of FBI, TSC, NCC, DHS, and ICE.
sweet dreams.