lectures from Radio New Zeland!

A modest sampling:

Galileo Lectures - The mystery of the first stars

Brainstorm Interviews - Neuromancing

Smart Talk Panel Discussions - Innovation and (Economy, Food, Education)

Talking Heads Lectures - Language, Memory, Continuity

Darwin Lectures - The storytelling ape

E = mc2 Lectures - Einstein

Martin Lord Rees' view of the impending future

Sir Paul Nurse discusses two notions of creavolution

and a lot more! Listen listen listen, learn learn learn.

(see also)

Separately, in other news, Thomas Breuer says nuclear power is not compatible with democracy, insofar as democracy requires open societies, which, in turn, cannot provide the level of security that the magnitude of the uninsurable risk presented by operation of a nuclear reactor demands, while Michio Kaku seems to get a little . . . schadenfreude-y . . . whilst predicting doom (and hawking his new book of near futurism).