Dear Norm: As you know today USA
Today, of all outlets, broke
the story of the major telecom firms'
compliance with NSA requests
for access to their switching systems
(except Qwest, who refused) to log
"tens of millions" of Americans'
domestic calls much like CALEA required
mobile carriers to build in a back
door for law enforcement back in the
twentieth century except not for
potential use -- underway since 2001
and ongoing -- and I just wanted to
write a real quick note,
not to say I told you so
(again), but to tell you that this war
(on the Bill of Rights) is getting
to the point that celebrated fetishists
of the totalitarian, like Orwell, Dick
and Lewis, could not make up such stuff
as is reported every day that
you have been doing for years;
much less could my humble imagination's
most paranoid ravings compare. Bravo.
Norm, I'm no longer suspicious: I know.