dear norm
I ate some suspicious fishes
the other day down the way
and had to wait for a gracious
waitress to drive me home
after her shift by which time
I was done puking but only
beginning to see things and
listed the suspicious bumper
stickers all over the whales
we followed up the Whitehurst
freeway and along the Potomac
on the way to the Beltway
and beyond, writing them down
with melted licorice bics on
a compact disk with a mix of
my friend Mick’s schizoid music
(playing which the waitress
did not tolerate while driving,
and I didn’t need for suspicious
fish poison already on the brain).
suspiciously on the road signage
show lots of people have opinions
they want to share, and are satisfied
with sticker sellers’ expressions.
opinions of import and domestic significance. like
My other car is suspicious of this one, on a Caprice.all three on a Volvo with Lutheran plates, from
Proud parent of a teenage mother on honor roll! Toyota.
Come rapture this car will be driven by a zombie, and
This car stops to report suspicious activity, and
Support Reforestation: Send a Shrub Back to Texas
the chewy blue center of a crunchy red state, a drop of retsin.
the cars looked like whales to me, and other
giants of the sea, but I could read all the stickers!
and all the fishes, Norm, and the fishes with feet
eating and competing and poisoning my brain.
whales don’t have remoras I thought, and remoras don’t
have feet. I think I puked right there in the passenger seat
and passed out thinking, I’ve got to alert Norm!