norm, i'm scared and i'm bored
and i don't like most of the people
around me most of the time
or myself very much
is that not suspicious
i don't know what they're thinking
usually i presume they are not
but i am imputing hidden malice
to every observed act every
action every activity every day
it is what we must do not
to preserve liberty and baseball
but to persevere at all
in the face of such hateful
indiscriminate enmity
forget liberty whatever
broad emotional associations
that catalyzes and baseball
forget it all maybe that
guy with the lumpy pockets
will drop and attack wants
my wallet my cash my car
my studied and casual
disregard for proportion
my envied gluttony
maybe he came here just
to blow me up with himself
i think so half
the time wondering if
i should strap myself
with nails and bearings
and trinitrotoluene
preemptively, you see
build up a wardrobe
of explosive fashion
accessorize defensively
for preventive suicide
bombing, like nails and
bearings is the new black
take him out first
secure the homeland turf make
the marketplace safe is that
suspicious, norm or just
what every red blooded
Murrican is called to?