
I've let a lot of self-discipline go for a few days. It started with my quitting quitting smoking: I've resumed my pack-a-day habit. I don't feel too bad about this ~ I will try to quit again ~ perhaps later. (can you read the confidence in my writing?) I also have not written in my journal; nor have I written any letters.

But I have had some productive activity. On Wed. Kim Heonseong, Link and I went to Yongsan electronics market. Heonseong haggled for us, and I bought a stereo for /W/ 200,000 (a much better price than originally quoted). This has mad me very happy.

The next day I got up in the morning and met Kim Seongeon. We went to his house for lunch and Korean / English lessons. I got my first lesson in Padduk - which proves to be as complicated as advertised. But I was beating his six-year-old son when we decided to quit. We will meet three times a week to study together. This sounds like a good plan.

Also Kim Jeolwon and I have been talking a lot about Buddhism and Taoism. He often walks home with me and teaches (or tries to explain) some points of Buddhist philosophy.

On the subject of reincarnation he has had much speculation. He believes that my soul is Eastern, and that we are karmically entangled. I do not know how to differentiate karmic entanglement with one person (with whom at the moment I am getting along) from some entanglement with every other person that I meet. Perhaps the primary difference is that Kim Jeolwon fulfills some of my interests while many other people are connected on lower priorities. Much of the purpose of this year in Korea is to sort out many of my conflicting beliefs, etc. To this end, Buddhism is useful ~ for the first step is to become still and empty. And still emptiness is the only way to have no contradictory beliefs.

At some point in this process of making my mind as empty and as permeable as my breath it will become important to quit smoking. I understand this (as I do many things) theoretically. Now I must learn to internalize the theory and form practicable belief. Also I must start writing letters again.