i, too, dear reader, have tried to so seize some one thing about each job:
ttara haseyo:
"'Sup? What's up? How're you doing?
I'm fine, thanks, and you?"
double tall mocha
is that for here or to go
thanks please call again
repetitive stress
oh carpal tunnel syndrome
cannot move fingers
adenine guanine
crawl around circuitous
perilous word bridge
through chemistry may achieve
side effects include
vomiting coma and death
call for free brochure
read cases take note
then balance utilities
sleep deep and often
subject the statute
and facts to analysis;
dispense warm justice
[three bar haiku]
if you get divorced
you are an honorary
statistical expert
code those documents
fast if not well for you may
be cut tomorrow
pizza and beer are
in the second floor kitchen:
they are not for you.
unknown manager
says her ass is on the line,
debit issuance
proposal draft with legal
advice appended
memo drafted at
counsel’s request re pending
antitrust lit’n
we connect the dots
its all perfectly legal
that’s how we do it.