
The last time I wrote was on Thursday. It is now Sunday night, the last hour (and change) of our three-day weekend.

This was the Chusok holiday ~ we got two days off from school in honor of the day.

On Thursday night I finished my classes, and happily came home because it was the beginning of the weekend. Duke called Miss Baik to see if there was a scheduled week-end activity. As a result we, all three, went at noon on Friday, to outside Heemang to meet her and Miss An (her friend).

We jumped into the car and drove about an hour until we got to the Korean Traditional Folk Village. The popular favorite of this day was the authentic Buddhist temple ~ although all of the places were fairly convincing. Overall it was like a Korean version of Colonial Williamsburg without, for me, a discernible kitsch factor.

We stopped in Suwon for dinner, and ate shitty pan-fried steak at an "American" restaurant. Everyone said they liked the food, but I think everyone lied ~ at least all three of us Americans did. Next stop, Norre-bang. We all drank beers and sang our little lungs out. We were there for a very long time (long enough at least to leave with my throat in tatters).

The high point of this day was the chance to get to better know (and get better known by) Baik Jisuk and An Hijung.

Saturday. Woke up late. We had had a lot of fruit and Songpyeon delivered. I ate breakfast. Then we went out to play with fireworks with Sanjong. The wind was cold this day. The main observation of note is that I resolved to quit smoking. I also burned and crumpled all my cigarettes.

Today most shops were closed. So Duke and I played Xiangqi. I wanted to talk to Miss Baik about getting to Yongsan electronics market, but she wasn't home when I called. So we invited Hyunah and Heonseong over to watch Schindler's List with us. During their visit I smoked my one cigarette of the day (not my own, but Heonseong's 88 light), and we watched the film. My plan now is to go see the moon a little bit, then crash.