slow roll

convoycam dude came home a bit dejected today, “not feeling triumphant,” & expressed some doubts about the behavior of some other convoyageurs wrt perceived aggressors among the denizens of the highway at large.

i did not hate observing it.

i imagine convoy encountered a lot more vehicles filled with entire families along the lanes today—a beautiful spring saturday!—than on other jaunts round the belt.

heard credible, corroborated account of convoy shard audible from tenleytown elementary school heading down wisconsin ave on friday, according to officials familiar with the events.

encountered traffic i attribute to them for the first time today, but had already thought about it and went for alternate route & then subalternate route later & was only a little late.

y’see, twice today convoy members “boxed in” a perceived aggressor-vehicle & came to a stop presuming to hold that vehicle until police could respond.. .

whereupon, convoy expect, the person operating aggressor vehicle will be arrested & all the witnesses with dashcam will be invited to proffer evidence. . . .

today, on 70/270(?) inbound, responding police reportedly cut the aggressing motorist loose & suggested convoyageurs participating in such activity might themselves be guilty of abducting that motorist.

later, on the beltway, somewhere between the spur & 395, something like that happened again — except convoy cars instead of convoy trucks somehow surrounding & accosting a driver who had “cut them off.”

as reported by convoycam guy one of the more levelheaded among those on foot around the surrounded car stopped at the (a) front of the convoy on the beltway extracted a promise from the driver to never do it again and “they let her go.”

so that whole stopping on the beltway thing mighta had something to do with some of the traffic on intersecting arteries & their tributaries.

convoycam dude is pretty uncomfortable with both occasions (i’ve seen him …cover?… two other similar incidents without displaying the same discomfort as today; i think in no case have the police been observed detaining the other party), but

is also pretty sure there is a right way that a group of, say, truckers might effect a valid “citizens arrest,” immobilizing a dangerous person until the police can take custody & some paperwork & cooperation with judicial process.

but that is exactly what was attempted today, resulting in what the cop told the truckers is plausibly abduction (“false imprisonment” would be my untutored guess), per some guy a couple nodes away from the cop’s precise words.

also there appear to be some politics. got a little 4 wheels good 10 wheels better whiff there w/ maybe a note of i was into convoy sedition before it went mainstreamism.

it occurs to me i ought to have more tabs open with more streaming convoyageurs for deeper parallax & a sense of what other shards are up to.

but i dunno: with the thirteen open covid tabs & the nine ukraine war tabs & the thirty-seven ongoing investigations related to former president tabs & the 206 january 6 docket tabs, & the maps, tryna see the whole convoy might be too much work.