the horror

a good friend and sometime-reporter-of-suspicious-activities will be marrying soon.
he diverged from the traditional course for his bachelor party: paintball and steaks.

although i tagged the "do not add me to your promotional mailing list" checkbox on the waiver form tablet, i am nevertheless reminded that that paintball venue is having a wonderful zombie-themed costume paintball maelstrom event for halloween. i clicked "unsubscribe." i would recommend the paintball outlet. not sure there's a whole lot of regional competition. the place was well run, the scenarios diverse and fun.

in the spirit of zombie halloween horror, i have redacted identifying particulars of the members of the bachelor-party party in the creepiest sadako fashion i can short of printing glossy on photostock and having at it obsessively with an old ball-point pen before scanning it to post from the "after" photo below.

it was my first experience with paintball since that time my high-school teacher shot me in the back of the head from twenty paces a lot of years ago (where are you, teacher with photo of younger self-with-bong in your office whose name i can't remember?).

it is much more fun to face those shooting you with paintballs,
and to do it armed with a paintball gun.
it is much more fun to also shoot.

pretty much exactly what "playing guns" always should have been.
some people appear to be very serious about paintball.

apropos, sort of , of the sadako redaction, here's babymetal's head bangya!!!
although maybe gimme chocolate is more seasonally appropriate.