a cursory review of the literature

maybe, like me, Dear Reader, you occasionally have an idea,
and, by now have learned to as-though-reflexively turn to the Internet
with a sense of dread at what one among a billion must already have said
before giving way to the conceit that it might be new,
that it might be your idea: an idea unique to you.

for now.

this of course saves time and time and again keeps one from
diverting resources from one's core competencies on a whim.

i was sure, musing on the similarity of some of the cadences in
Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart and certain reggae anthems,
and moving the spaces around among the sounds in the title of that song,
that someone somewhere must have already made
some badass subversive dub by the name of Totally Calypso fi th' Art

and a really good badass subversive dub track
mixing downpressor man sinner man and total eclipse
and whatever other appropriate obscure garage
grooves and beats for deeper dread authenticity
selected by some righteous heir of the sound systems, steeped in the art,
would be quite pleasant to listen to (or play loudly whether listening or not),
as everybody knows; to find it at the wiggle of a few fingers would be bliss
and keep me from having to waste time with my minimal proficiency on the wrong equipment
to at best produce something not even remotely evocative of either badass subversive dub or bliss.

what i found surprised me.

i watched it all the way through, and, although i could find no beat (a few bits would loop well)
it revealed itself as very funny before the end . . . which i think makes it da-da more than dub.

. . . and i'm off to fiddle on the ersatz Hammond.