long term storage

my friends moved abroad for some period of years a year ago, and have just stopped renting their furnished home to friends in favor of having some local agency rent their unfurnished home to strangers, which change in status occasions their need to store their lovely furnishings. i felt guilty simultaneously about wanting the few items that i wanted, and about being unable to take more, but i am happy with those they passed into my stewardship not least for how neatly they fit my still-somewhat-fluid distribution of - and need for - furnishings.

i sent them a receipt:

mr. coffee maker seems happy there on the table
with ricemaker and electric kettle; the trio in fine fettle!

the coatrack is already balanced and packed with hoodies and hats
(and scarves, loose textiles and more) in its allotted corner by the door!

and the depth of the shelves offers copious space for the inbox, dvds, keys
whatever else - a holding stage for stuff that's found no place yet, sundries.

mask number 1 (the Venezuelan Barong?) atop the mantle like I stalked
the angry demon across the bardo adds a welcome touch of color to the room.

the [who was it?]-knockoff table (which I have a little bit of trouble seeing)
and, sort of eponysterically ironically, the miro print, lounging in the den.

two more masks (Mali? Africa?) for the empty nails in the bedroom, face (on adjoining walls)
little korean halmoni/haraboeji masks the size of children's shoes, and a tiny little buddha.

did i forget anything? also two spatulae; no photo.
thanks for the items; sorry i couldn't take more of your lovely stuff!