destructive writing iteration exercise

with found marketing jargon & machine metatranslation, circa 2004


Sony® classify excellent hearing person
of monitor of studio's ear-phone
Supra-Ohren conception for comfort,
30 leading the section for deep stick,
magnets of ferrite of high energy, commutable
ear-cups for the unilateral supervision,
regulator of desired volume, broad volume
of face that for comfort are formed and Stereouni Match®
long-lived plug for tel.
versions of commitment and mini jackets minimise.

for the outstanding comfortable hearing,
30 millimeters conducts the diameter is the deep pole,
the high energy ferrite magnet may
exchange earcups was the unilateral surveillance,
the regulative convenience capacity,
the face broad capacity has formed comfortably
is the telephone pours out the establishment
and minijacks for the long life with StereouniMatch.plug.

Sony. classifies studio the s earphone in
on Ohren devised monitor outstanding
hearing artificial comfortable
30 leads partially is the deep stick,
the high energy ferrite magnet, for
comfortably is formed earcups which
may exchange is the unilateral surveillance,
longed for the capacity,
the face broad capacity superintendent has formed
comfortably is the telephone pours out the establishment
and miniature clamps
for the long life with the pledge tel. edition is smallest.


the hearing which is comfortable is prominent
hazard surveillant Sony series, act
30 millimeter diameter the deep pole,
it exchanges the energy alpha season magnet and the earcups
it does not know and
it is a convenience accommodating quantity
which, one sided, it watches and
provides the accommodating quantity which is
wide, is comfortable, and the face it forms
transformation at the outside, it follows
the seller's hazard-founding
and he minijacks in the StereouniMatch.plug.

the concept:
glowworm curtain prominent is
auditory artificial enemy comfortable
to be a S and deep the stick,
does the energy alpha season magnet boil inside the phone,

hazard is comfortable
it exchanges the petal it does not know
and does form earcups
as does accommodating quantity happen
and is desired one-sided.
watch, the face is wide:
the accommodating quantity factory market
and the match plug and the iron
which it tighten small-sized most
is small, it is.

It wants the pretense, where
the face wide, the double meaning rule,
and Sony are comfortable,
the deep stick, the magnet of alpha
season of energy, the ear cup hazard,

it will be able to convert
the one sided supervision which hazard forms
30 comfort which map the hazard profile,
hazard studio is and classifies the auditory person
who, the surveillant of phone-place-ohren-conception,
is excellent the committed tel.

Hazard is long-lived and
the small-sized jacket minimize a version.


Thy D above, oh, rendesignsu
5 Kopfhoerer the SONY remarkable series
of the supervisor of the danger of comfort,
diameter of 30 millimeters
which, functioning, are done hearing
in the deep stick, exchanges the magnet season of energy
alpha does not know
and that 1 Tsuga that you see, offer,
is wide as the comfortable seller minijack inserting
the match of Stereouni is danger of establishing
'thing outside, continuing
the surface which forms deformation
the kind quantity to be
the kind quantity of convenience which takes part, earcups.

Sony studio
It classifies that;

As Ohren imports 30 it is in doorsnede of S
of the curtain comfort
of glowworm of remarkable concept
to be deep as for the stick,
be boiling and of the magnet
in the midst of the telephone

which is season of energy alpha?

to be the artificial enemy of the hearing which telephones,
With that, the kind quantity exchanges the danger
of being that comfort and/or and
the watch where one takes part
the surface which desired the factory market of the kind
quantity is wide, the plug of vitaux
of pitch horse cord
of the iron and the match causing the small-sized majority
that hard-tightened is small, in order to be
and to happen
the petal Stereouni does not know earcups
and, forming.

It consoles Sony, the magnet of the sub-ferrate
of the deep stick and high energy,
the plug and the small-sized jacket
of the long life of Stereouni Match.

for the Teledition of responsibility is formed
consoling become smallest, studio 30 whereof
on one hand the commutable ear glass for supervising,
the section for the adjusting device

desirable capacity and the capacity
where the surface is wide is led;
The excellent hearing person of the monitor of concept
on Ohren the earphone is classified.

Sony® Studio Monitor Series™ Headphones: Supra-aural design for excellent listening comfort, 30 mm diameter drivers for deep bass, high-energy ferrite magnets, reversible earcups for single-sided monitoring, cord-mounted volume control, wide molded headband for long-lasting comfort, and Stereo UniMatch®plug for phone jacks and minijacks.

This source text was incorporated in the loyalty-program-related rewards for earned points offered by certain information services to students in some fields, in hopes of hooking them. I earned a million and a half points, or some ludicrous number, and got the earphones described above. I don't recall anything noteworthy about them now, some years beyond their demise or obsolescence, but I also don't have high expectations of last year's remaindered swag. (Take that, powers that be!)