overheard in girl talk hell

"If [instead of reviewing assigned files one is being paid to review] you just wait, somebody else'll do them. Then just go sign up for more."*

*NB - at times our batches of assigned documents overlap, so that, for example, if person A is working diligently or often even just lethargically (but reviewing and manipulating documents per the parameters of employees' duties all the same) and person B is watching YouTube videos or updating her Facebook page or tracking down more details on that grisly page-one murder on her iPhone (or whatever they're doing over there) and the two persons' batches overlap, then it will superficially appear, once that batch has been completed, as though person B has also been working, or, at least, person B may have the satisfaction of believing that.

In fact, each manipulation of each document is logged by the system and indexed to the user who performed it; users with greater privileges on the system may have access to such metrics.