singularity sky

Singularity Sky, by Charles Stross, was very good.

It is about politics in a post-earth-diaspora galaxy, involving particularly issues of "the Eschaton" - a transcendental entity resulting from human technological development which, by its own admission, is "not God," but has similarly ineffable powers to cause aforementioned diaspora, and nanotechnology, which threatens the stability of a conservative and feudally-repressive backwater planetary system with the chaos of instant total freedom. There may also be some spies and some commies.

It is charming, witty, intelligent, and addresses some interesting issues of recent sci fi - notably the technological singularity and nanotech. I would (and have) recommend(ed) it.

I understand there is a sequel. Haven't found it yet. Only found Singularity Sky because I thought a new author's name would jump out at me, and then, when it didn't, I had to work a little to find something that rang with appropriate confidence and familiarity. Success. Barely (for my ill-formed confidence in my own associative memory) and resoundingly (for Stross).