an explanation from an errant email

what i did was selectively delete elements of the prior emails in the thread and their respective headers, into something that seemed, to me to be a little bit like a blues or dance tune (can you swing? work it?) and a little bit of networked computer nonsense, with appropriate poetical line breaks, and all under the title line reading "A___ wrote:", a phrase which due to a fault in my praxis (not wanting to take idle liberties with the letters of your name), turned out to repeat several times, as though this phantom author had sung several verses, or as though she were shamelessly self promoting like some popular dance music authors often are in, say, the hip-hop idiom. it sounded to me like it might hurt a bit to sing such a bluesy dance tune.

that's what i was doing. sort of whimsical, idle "destructive writing."
(it's not a very good one, but here for the explanation; -ed.)

Ok, then. Give me a ring
or text when you're through
work That ok
-Original essae-----
ro miaelo
vo mailto: think.net yes A___ wrote:
Cool. Tomorrow can you swing
by after work-Origissage-----
Foia el ovstail@eatink'm home. Just
getting to work on your stuff Can swing,
whenever that works for you
A___ wrote: nigh tomorrow? How long
ill beat work tonight?
-Orial Mess-----From: Oomph
mailto.net Cool. When can I pick it up?