persistent vegetative insurance?

it took me 52 pages to get there, but the Stephen White novel, Kill Me, that my father recommended as "interesting," may not be the typical whodunnit adventure story after all.

it is a story about euthanasia . . . sort of . . . gone perhaps somewhat awry.

i imagine that in later chapters it will turn out to be about a euthanasia pact's unpredictable turns, maybe with some mystery/adventure thrown in. i guess this because in opening pages some people seemed to be trying to kill the narrator, and he seemed to be trying to stay alive, but 52 pages in and some time in the past, there are certain discussions with close friends about the undesirability of persisting in a vegetative state.

which makes it more substantive and interesting, suddenly, compared to much of the usual father-recommended murder-mystery fiction, although it still seems to deliver much of the expected genre-serial action and whodunnit confusion for which we read it on airplanes and in hotel rooms.

anyway, thought i should stand correct, as i was speaking so uncharitably of it earlier.