move along

Dear Norm:

Dick Cheney says everything is fine.
Donald Rumsfeld attests it is all okay.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has testified that
if there is anything wrong, he cannot recall
anyone having brought it to his attention,
nor having, himself, taken any steps
to find out one way or the other.

George Bush has a spring in his step
and a glib quip on his lip,
full faith and confidence.

Except terror. But that's over there.

The unpersons do not exist,
so their suffering must be illusory
or a media fabrication.

Some unqualified ideologues have resigned
in disgrace, some bide, while career
civil service executives quietly quit in droves.

While Rove still enjoys privileged silence
Cheney says everything is fine.

So, in light of all being well, can we
repeal the PATRIOT Act,
reinstate the great writ of habeas corpus,
reign in the surveillance and data mining,
shut down the camps (and send
the torturers back to their tenured chairs
in the Western Hemisphere Institute of
Security Cooperation), bring the boys
back home, and begin to behave
with a touch of sovereign decorum already?
~Lyn Xhmob