axiom. 0
p1. 0 = 1
p2. 1 + 0 = 3
there are lots of zeros,
but as soon as one is noted multiciplicity happens
so none of the them can be seen
but the sum of seen and seer is
these two plus sight
the mystics throw back their eyes
and dig into it by immersion:
the nothing of transcendent one,
the nothing of uniform all,
the nothing of infinitude unmanifest,
the particularity of is against isn't
bound in potential, incubating,
for vacuum cannot define vacuum
One!Isn't Zero?
Isdendrite enzyme peptide triptophan
Five SixSevEiNiTenThousand Sentient Entities!
signaling singular synaptic syzygy,
particularity, perspective:
divine architecture of divine brain!