dear norm,
i wanted to invite you to my web site which used to be pacifistic, expressing
no position on the divine, but has now got god in a big way
(through the host’s vulnerability and malware in an unguarded port).
we’ll be having a christening there tomorrow, a web christening
where my converted web site will be born again in spirit.
it has always been radical.i designed it to make up its own mind
regarding theology, and dutifully, empirically it went out, visiting
other web sites of faith,
weighing their rhetoric, scripture and evidence,
sampling their animations and navigational schema,
celebrating their rites with them,
on a trial basis, for free.
it paid buddhism no mind for a while,
visited temple, stayed a month at an ashram,
and celebrated eid al fitr ending ramadan with some muslim friends,
but despaired of learning to read the message.
then, during one long dark re-initialization of the server,
an itinerant evangelical web-bot got in, launching its
virtual tent revival preaching program at the root.
when my web site heard this binary gospel of
nondenominational american christian dominionism
all the pathways, as the saying goes, were illumined and
it processed the light.
now, my web site, raised in tolerance, has become
a militant nondenominational christian web site,
we will consecrate it tomorrow with blessed water and oils,
ordain it, dedicate it to host and spread the word. please come,
norm; we want you to be the god-administrator.
it will be electrifying.
~~ 7h3 r16h7 r3/