ASP: Bless me Norm, for I have been suspicious.
Norm (behind a screen): . . .
ASP: Norm, I have been suspicious. Suspicious.
Oh! I have acted suspiciously, sinfully
harbored suspicious thoughts. Bless me.
Norm (behind a screen): . . .
ASP: I have tinkered with tools at night
behind drawn curtains, burning the lights.
I have watched my neighbors, immigrants
all, through that one bent venetian slat.
Norm, I have stopped my car on the median
to take photographs, and eyed those eight
men in the minivan who may have been
changing a tire. Bless me Norm.
Norm (behind a screen): . . .
ASP: I have watched C-SPAN and written letters
to my congresspersons and others in my
district on issues in my interest. I have
driven too fast and too slow in the lanes
where the smoke of tobacco and taboo blows.
I have registered a fake library card to
access militant websites on the public fisc
where I troll and say hateful race baiting
things seeking an object for my suspicions.
Norm (behind a screen): . . .
ASP: I have thought there ought to be a law and
acted as though the law does not apply to me,
Bless me Norm. I have looked upon
my neighbor's wife with suspicion and lust.
I have doubted the veracity of the commander
in chief because he lies on purpose
all the time. I have doubted the mission
and despaired of rational market behavior.
Bless me Norm, absolve my suspicions of
the way social activist politicians wrap
themselves in and speak for some so called
savior. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima
culpa. Bless me Norm.
Norm (behind a screen): . . .
ASP: Deviated, bless me, Norm! Oh, have I
deviated. Bless me, Norm, make me straight.
I have been proud: Proud to be and arrogant
about accidents but for which I would be humble.
I have tried to think for myself, Norm, and failing
have ceased to think at all, but on the angle.
I associated freely with expressive people, of
whom and whose expression I have suspected all ill.
Norm (behind a screen): . . .
ASP: Bless me, Norm, for I have thought privately
of propriety in privacy, property and piracy,
and suspiciously have sought solid encryption.
I have papers and personal effects, Norm,
itemizing every detour and detail. My
suspicions of authority keep me from
taking direction well, but I keep good notes,
and I think my mother hates freedom too.
I repent these characteristic suspicions; heal me, Norm.
Bless me. Cleanse me. Absolve me. Forgive me.
Make me clean and whole, trusting again, Norm;
send me, credulous and secure, back to the world!
Norm (behind a screen): . . .