When I combined my name with that of my paramour,
anagramomancy proved insight, but no less than
Aha! Clue limner!
Aha clue, indeed! I thought, and read further:
Allah cure. Manure chi,
a mania culler he, eh, not poet, you might say,
mere manual lecher, draft and cull instead of wed and bed,
and I cannot offer argument, but it still tells me
Ace haul, Merlin! Ace harem liner!
A machine allure, hail lucre!
Ha, cruel lucre. Lie, curl! Each helical ale unreal around an urn
Rachel, Lea, manual I, hale, reach miracle.
Lune-lace him, Lauren!
But I also plugged in the name of another beauty
and it told me
Amen chorically,
my charcoal line scribbling archaic no: Acclaim her only.
Melancholia, cry oh! Lyric manacle, mechanical cry hello, maniac!
Marcia, Alice, Camilla hello: carnal, comely hi.
Ha. Roll 'em, cynic.
A mercy icon, Al also archly alluded to an arc of loin alchemy.
Pretty telling, until another name, and there, i found
ache, lick, I'm in. each lick, each Chilean machine,
egad and inimical heck: manlike, I, menial, alien.