five out of five statistics don't know

the plain fact is the people who make the decisions
don't know shit about it
they only know the rest of us don't know,
haven't heard, been too busy learning
given money what to desire,
work toward, acquire; given these,
to persist in a circumscript world, planning
the occasional spontaneity
budgeting for the odd indulgence

the fact is the people
who make the decisions don't know shit
care not for informed consensus but fattening their status quota.

the people who advise the people who don't know shit
prefer manageable blocks and palatable pies, love the profit
in their projections, trumpet slogans of altruistic progress
without deigning to define; they don't know shit.
they don't know the fact is the people

if you think you're ahead of the curve

the plain fact is the people who inform the people of
decisions people who don't know shit have made
think trends, Venn diagrams, flockers' cohorts
they've taught us to follow 4 out of 5 opinions, to swallow
each spoon-fed profile; taught, we digested
strong–typed populations, chewing us
them and anxiety
down to this thrice sorted pulp we devour and—as we raise
our dripping lips from the trough—crave to taste yet again

the people think the hyper-surreal imagism of advertainment in overdrive
they don't even know they think it, but it's there
guiling impulse, misinforming behavior
codified commodified excess in excelcis, deus in commercium day out

if you think you're ahead of the curve
stop thinking with your mouth full

the plain fact is the people who don't
think the circumscript shit, the people
who don't invest in the standard ambition
the people who don't

think with reference to words, who—knowing
if every experience is not a unique revelation
then none can be—grow invisible.
these people, who are not—statistically speaking—there,
don't think they're ahead

the plain fact think the people
each circumspect blossoming act, deliberate motion,
complicity amid complexity, they think being the people
think being the plain act, waiting in no coded wrap
moored on no timeline, toiling toward no telos


the fact is these people are
these people being the plain act
the fact is these are the
only people being, and
i can hardly make them
out through the noise