
Today was, as seems to be usual, long, but interesting too. I learned a few things.

The morning proceeded normally: I attended and taught half of each of Mrs. Kim's classes -- she was her usual vain and condescending self, which I am getting used to.

In the afternoon Mr. Kwon told me that they are expecting, sometime this week, for inspectors from the ministry of education to come to the school to check, among other things, that all of the teachers are properly certified. He told me this only because it turns out that not all of the teachers are properly certified. Notably, Mr. Kim (James) and the other teacher (whose name I do not know) who works three jobs.

I certainly have no reason to pass judgment on this, but it is valuable information for a number of reasons. First, as these teachers will not be around until the inspection period has passed, the rest of the teachers need to teach the classes that would otherwise be without teachers. I get to teach Mr. Kim's morning classes on Thursday and Saturday. Second, it reminds me that the people with/for whom I work may not always be quite as honest and trustworthy as they make themselves look.

I worked only until seven o'clock tonight, though I am tired I plan to write some letters before I crash.