carnal music

i crawl around you sniffing
you lying there languid
breathing of your impassive vapors

i taste parts of you i put
my scent upon parts of you
i rub my naked cheek against your skin

and you take it make no sound
no fever nor fervent breath
content to rest reposed tolerant

it makes me want to mark you:
to swing with you off balance and
finally hold you ‘whelmed moving in my arms

~ ~ ~

i want to caress you in
slow smooth bluesy effusions
to lull you in your loneliness

i want to animate you with
fast fat brassy blasts
and swing you in my arms

i want to trill you through
swiftly shifting rhythms &
tap out your golden tempo

i want to love you in
whole bold glowing tones
as we dissolve into song