
----Original Message----
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 7:37 AM
To: custserv@netnewsdaily.com

Dear Net News Daily -

I am writing to complain that you have given me nothing to complain about!

Normally this wouldn't bother me a bit, but my back hurts and the weather sucks and the traffic was insufferable: I only held my vile roadrage in check this morning clinging to the certainty that upon arrival at my office I'd have a chance to vent some bile at your expense.

I now realize that my psychological well being and my ability to modulate my own moods has become unhealthily dependant on there being something "wrong" enough with your news service that I can experience the guilt-free catharsis of righteous indignation every morning and purge (the animus from) my anima over trifles at the expense of your cooperative, tolerant and helpful staff.

But not today.

Today your site works fine, securing my access to your insightful news on issues that are critical to my job performance in this dynamic and competitive industry!

Now if I could only find someone to chew out I could get over my own dissatisfaction with myself and on to performing that important job.

Thanks for nothin!

Your dysphorically dissatisfied, satisfied customer,

-Ray G. Venter