
Well its been a long time. As they say here, Oraigan manimnida. Time passes so seamlessly that I hardly notice the passage of weeks. Needless to say, (as I and you - intrepid reader - have no doubt already noticed) I don't write in this journal as often as I should (or could).

What have I done? I bought a bunch of Christmas cards and sent them (Mom & Dad, [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted] - and I think I'm forgetting - oh yes, the [redacted]s). The last went out today. I have also embarked upon my Christmas present ventures - I'm sending four presents (at least until such a time as I can find gifts for the family), all the same: [redacted], [redacted] (Whose went out today), [redacted] and [redacted] will all receive copies of Seo Taiji and Boys vol. iv and ii. Token gifts, but interesting nonetheless.

I'm expecting a letter from [redacted] and packages from my parents. I called [redacted] last night. It was great to hear her voice and talk with her, but somewhat difficult - the few second lag and the new problem of my voice echoing gave it a somewhat surreal feeling for me - as I talked, I stumbled about as though tripping. Odd.

I have finished reading all the books that I bought a scarce week and 1/2 ago - except the two from the bibliography that [redacted] sent me. Duke, when he's not using it lets me read his copy of Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco is quickly (that is, this is the second book of his that I have really enjoyed) becoming an author whom I like. Although Duke's been reading it longer than I have, I am already 100 pages farther into it that he is. Hi Ego!

About Duke - Link and I received some intelligence to the effect that he is on his way out. That is, Won Jeong Nimh is trying to figure out how to fire him. The news was supposed to hit him yesterday when he collected his salary. He came back down saying that he needed to talk to me.

As it turns out Mr. Im made an offer (but Duke wasn't clear precisely that the offer was), which Duke rejected, making/offering a list of five possibilities to which he was open. Apparently an argument ensued - the result of which is that we are all (again!) left waiting.

I've been studying the Yoga book and try to do Yoga every day - I don't have too much trouble doing asanas, but I'm shy (and a bit self-deprecating) about the Pranayama. Some of the breathing exercises are a bit loud, and I'm not sure I'm doing them correctly. Nevertheless, I continue to try. The asanas have got me feeling (bodily) pretty strong and vigorous. There are a few postures that I cannot do - mostly the advanced ones, but, given that I stick with it, I will eventually be able to.

Chinese Horoscope: I am characterized according to the year, month, day, and time of my birth. The result is me being, respectively, Bull (diligent), tiger (brave/alone), monkey (dexterity), and rat (social/many friendships). From these I am judged (configured) according to the strengths of the five basic elements as represented in my birth: wood is plentiful, fire absent, water present, earth present, and gold present. From these my character is organized. I have too much wood - which means I have too many "wills" or interests. In plain English - my interests are many and disparate, I do not focus on just one thing. I am diligent, decisive, dexterous. I have good "leadership qualities." I have many friends and I am happy to be alone. I should wear warm colors (to balance the lack of fire in me), I have a tendency to wear a lot of (gold?) jewelry, I should live in a house (apartment is no good) and have a garden. I'm not sure whether that part's allegory of what. If I marry, my bride should be four years younger than I (that's snake); definitely not five years younger; or eight years younger (cock). That's all I remember. I plan to try to get the man who did my horoscope to do more calculations. Otherwise - next year is the year of the Bull - perhaps my year. I'll keep my tails crossed. All for now.