ignorance is strength

Have you also seen the "Recession 101" series of propaganda in advertising space?

Perhaps you have felt comforted -- or, maybe, discomfited -- by their anonymous sponsorship, or their chillingly condescending messaging and brusque, move along, citizen tone.

Theinspirationroom.com calls the propaganda "an inspirational advertising campaign providing an optimistic take on the global financial crisis," overseen by the outdoor advertising association of america on behalf of an anonymous sponsor described as an "East Coast donor who was depressed about how the country was reacting to the economy’s tailspin" (and developed by Charchin Creative). Designer Charlie Robb is reported to have said that the sponsor, "wants to remain anonymous out of a belief that you don’t do public service for recognition."

They have irritated me and I have wanted to doodle in the margins and variously argue with the proponents on the rest of that mock page it pretends to offer me, but that illustration of a page of good, old-fashioned school paper with its grotesque, 'nuff said, simplistic, misleading and dismissive text remains hermetically sealed up in the side of the fancy new bus shelter.

So, from the roving lens who brought you McDonald's fantastically-successful Anusburger promotion, the featured photos of another critical viewer's response to the campaign, rendered in marker on paper. The home-made sign reads:
"We all have the fortitude to endure the suffering of other people." - La Rochefoucauld
- U.S. Unemployment Rate [Ave. 2011] approx 9.0%,
- Black and Latino Unemployment Rate approx 14% - 16%
(or higher; check the Labor Dep't for details)

I suppose it would be easy for one who can afford to buy up advertising space to be hopeful. Nous avons tous assez de force en nous pour supporter le malheur des autres, indeed!

You go on, unknown critic - this instance of the target demographic digs what you are doing.