
mattyP, whose weekly mailing i read and sometimes try to wryly respond sometimes tells me i ought to have a blog. it's easy! so here's one of those thing i wrote, eliciting such a suggestion. mattyP'd told a story of the case of some litigants living in a nursing home which started because it was alleged that, upon their first meeting, the party of the second part caused her cat to urinate on the party of the first part, my friend's client. Other events ensued, so to speak, involving harassment and threats of violence, in which, as i have been given to understand, my friend's client prevailed and was exonerated at law. i was suspicious because, having some exposure to cats, i have noted in them no capacity for taking direction:

I could never get a cat to piss on the shoes of my enemies. Oh, sure, if my enemy were camping at my place for some time and left his shoes casually about and then, independently, did something or other to earn that cat's enmity, too, then, maybe, my cat would piss on my enemy's shoes. Or if my enemy's shoe were filled with soil and there were a precious, precocious little seedling sprouting from that dirt in the first fulsome blush of promised lush verdancy, among the flowerpots of plants larger and more able to absorb the ammoniac flood, then, my cat might piss in that shoe, although, then, not out of enmity toward my enemy at all, but out, instead, of typical raw feral feline enmity to small fragile shoots and fronds.

... and then i wrote a little bit more, answering his questions, and something else (which you may read, because, as i understand it, this blogging thing is about a certain amount of transparency...):

Mostly meh. Or nothing but existential complaints.
I make a living as a temporary contract attorney, not quite consistently enough to vest in any temp agency carrot-on-a-stick benefits, but enough to glide comfortably over (as opp. "scrape by"). at this rate my grandchildren probably won't think of me as their great pecuniary benefactor, but then again, at this rate, my grandchildren appear a distant low probability, given certain preconditions. For fun and approval, I take on research and writing assignments for friends and willing colleagues, hampered, business-wise, by difficulty projecting the varying values of my range of services. One recent client with confidence has projected a promising pricing structure. So... that hobby develops. Otherwise, read, listen to music, play music, play videogames (yes, I slaughtered civilians in a moscow airport in a vain-and-inglorious effort to infiltrate a terrorist organization in some recent POV shooter - - woot!), and otherwise burn the precious hours between now and the omega point.

Exuberance, elation, doubt and despair, with occasional moments of community and flashes of beauty, or hints of its promising, compelling scent.


i made a playlist of songs in my
collection of
songs that were seven-and-
a-half minutes
2 seconds) long
that my friends like
(though they haven't
heard it all at once)
i'm not sure
anynumberwon't do.
gotta go.