girl talk hell, a primer

Girl Talk Hell is a degenerate implementation of the "Congress of Girlfriends" -- itself a sometimes-admirable and apparently necessary institution which, despite the gripes of its occasional detractors, has its place in society . . . ideally at brunch, happy hour, in private, or -- as men have been being slowly and painstakingly trained (although, admittedly, often without much noteworthy success) during recent generations -- left in the locker room.

Girl Talk Hell is an efflorescence of a degenerate Congress of Girlfriends, held in an inappropriate place among women not actually members of one another's respective Congresses of Girlfriends, with no decorum or discretion, a hazardous, interminable excursion of inane chatter, noxious schadenfreude, vapid and ill-considered appeals to poorly-selected putative authorities, and bad advice, from which there is no escape.

After a few of my female friends tired of calling me a misogynist, arguing that there must be "boy talk hell" also (which I did not contradict) and actually listened with horror to the reports of the behavior of individuals in the milieu, the vile values asserted, and the absurdities overheard, they encouraged me to post an "overheard in girl talk hell" blog.

Naturally, by harping on GTH, I do not mean to condone the boy talk, or all the other talk of the caliber of television programming. I am just somewhat more inured to that irritant.

So, stay tuned for things overheard in girl talk hell.

*(i think that one mostly-nicer stanza of this might recognize a little of the value of the CoG)