when he said that the vibrations of the voice of the yoga instructor were part and parcel of the here and now, there and then when she spoke, and my hearing and decoding of them and cascade of thoughts part and parcel of my being there at that time, and further that my continuing wrath, my fantastic outburst and my premature conclusion were also parts of my being during the many places that i have been over the intervening period, i threw my chamomile and hibiscus tea at his face, but clumsily, so that instead of arcing unimpeded from my hand, the cup struck a large candle on the tabletop between us, unconstrained tea extinguishing the flame even as the candle toppled spilling its reservoir of wax, along with the splashing tea into his lap and finally knocking over his teacup so that his chamomile and hibiscus tea flowed along the table to the edge, where it pooled before pouring onto his trousers.