Dear Norm,
There is something suspicious
in the Mireth Technology Corp.’s download server logs,
and on the sourceforge hosts’ of Darik’s Boot and Nuke,
and securedelete, panicware and cyberscrub dot com.
There is something suspicious in Google’s
user-linked query histories: ask it
what they asked it;
browse in the OLK and nibble their cookies.
There is something suspicious
in the international payment authorization
and settlement network records
on government payment cards
or individuals’. (why not
earn double reward points while creating a documentary trail
of your efforts to delete evidence of criminal misconduct!)
There is something suspicious on no fewer than four
of the computers that each missing e-mail touched: the sender’s
terminal and mail server, Norm, and the recipient’s
should each have a copy, or evidence
of that copy’s deliberate deletion.
There are suspicious logs
of suspicious persons
surreptitiously replacing box after box
in the dead of night
at certain server colocation facilities
here, and in Canada,
and domain servers’ records of those replacements.
(and there are suspiciously interesting
“e-discovery” and jurisdictional issues)
There are unprecedented periodic workstation replacements,
suspiciously thorough equipment destruction
(and sale of the scrap abroad),
and suspicious records of too frequent
registry change and reboot
on the few yet undestroyed machines.
There are highly suspicious repeated mishaps
and what can only be described as
an improbably consistent
synchronicity of incompetence in the IT departments
at the White House, Justice and the RNC.
The IT guys, or their management.
Norm, I think you should conduct covert surveillance on
communications into and out of the White House and RNC to which
one party is a member of the White House and RNC or a member
of an organization affiliated with the White House and RNC.
Get Gonzales to authorize it!
He’s already intimately familiar with
their document retention policies,
ensuring compliance with legal technicalities
in the recordskeeping regs – Wait!
Not him. He’s suspicious, too.
Norm, it’s the electrons, stupid.
Don Hermes